MASTER OF LEVITY weaves intricate juggling patterns and movement with multi-layered music. The piece utilizes 3 jugglers whose movements are smoothly choreographed and combine all the magic and mystery of ensemble juggling with the grace and precision of dance.

The show begins with a celebration song. The jugglers enter individually and fold into a synchronized weaving pattern that evolves into a spinning line. As this opening sequence ends, the music melts into a energetic mambo leading the jugglers into a club dropping comedy of errors that sets the stage for one the Mud Bay Jugglers signature pieces: "Slow Motion".

All music stops while the jugglers present a physical comedy piece in slow motion. Whether its running, stealing clubs, or laughing, the performance is hilarious. The action culminates in one juggler tripping over another and somehow falling in slow motion.

Action is restored with an explosion of movement and sounds. The jugglers dance their way through a number of impossible looking juggling routines woven seamlessly together with tight transitions. These routines have names like "Quick Switch", "No Problem", "Entropy", and "Orbit" and they exhibit their technical mastery of juggling presented in a completely unique style. Next, the performance encompasses individual improvisations where each character showcases their own style of dance, acrobatics, or comedy.

The show proceeds with "Bembe", another signature piece. This sequence involves one juggler who is tantalized and mesmerized by the antics and playfulness of the other two. The piece unfolds hypnotically and builds to complex steals and replacements of clubs and intricate choreography. The show explodes again with movement and percussive sound that climaxes in one juggler running up another jugglers back and passing clubs while standing on his shoulders.

The spectacle ends with fire juggling. The piece has a mystical feel as the exotic music accents the graceful lighting of the torches. As two jugglers pass fire, another enters, stands between them, and magically lights his torches from those passing in front of his face. The sequence builds to a crescendo when the center juggler is spins at revolutionary speed through a shower of flaming torches.

TECHNICAL NEEDS: MASTERS OF LEVITY requires a 20' by 24' stage, at least 20' of unobstructed floor to ceiling space, ample lighting, stage wings or flats, 1 vocal microphone, and a CD player with an adequate sound system.